Lantern is a business division of IAG New Zealand Limited (IAG). As a market leader, IAG is there for customers today, and plans for the future so we can help make your world a safer place.
AA Financial strength rating
Lantern is a business division of IAG New Zealand Limited (IAG). IAG has received a financial strength rating of AA from Standard & Poor’s (Australia) Pty Ltd, an approved rating agency.
A rating of AA means IAG has a ‘very strong’ claims-paying ability, as you can see in the scale below.
The rating scale is:
AAA (Extremely Strong)
AA (Very Strong)
A (Strong)
BBB (Good)
BB (Marginal)
B (Weak)
CCC (Very Weak)
CC (Extremely Weak)
SD (Selective Default)
D (Default)
The ratings from 'AA' to 'CCC' may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or minus (-) sign to show relative standing within the major rating categories.
The rating scale above is in summary form. A full description of this rating scale can be obtained from
In its Annual Solvency Return filed with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, IAG New Zealand Limited had a Solvency Margin as at 30 June 2024 as follows:
We sell a range of NZI products that provide cover for your:
We also offer a mechanical and electrical breakdown warranty product for your car.
Please take a few moments to read this important information.
Licensing and nature and scope of financial advice
Lantern Insurance is underwritten by IAG New Zealand Limited (IAG/we). IAG has been granted a Financial Advice Provider (FAP) license by the Financial Markets Authority to provide financial advice. Advice will only be given about fire and general insurance products underwritten by IAG
Duties Information
IAG employes Nominated Representatives who are authorised to provide financial advice on its behalf. IAG and its Nominated Representatives are bound by duties under the Financial Markets Conduct Act of 2013 relating to the way financial advice is given.
That means we are required to exercise care, diligence and skill and give priority to your interests when providing financial advice. We also need to meet applicable standards of ethical behaviour, conduct, client care, competence, knowledge and skill under the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services (these are designed to make sure we treat you as we should, and give you suitable advice).
You can learn more about the code by going to and searching for 'financial advice'.
Fees, commissions and other incentives
We do not pay any commissions or other sales incentives to our Nominated Representatives. If you receive financial advice from us you will not pay any additional fees, expenses or other amounts in relation to the receipt of that financial advice, regardless of whether you proceed with purchasing a Lantern product or not.
Internal complaints procedures and external dispute resolution
We understand that things don’t always go to plan and there may be times when you feel we’ve let you down. If this happens, we want you to tell us. We’ll do our best to put things right as soon as possible or explain something we could have made clearer.
Step 1: Let us know what your concerns are:
Call 0800 800 800
Write to PO Box 33714, Takapuna, Auckland, 0740
We'll acknowledge your complaint within five business days.
Step 2: If we can’t reach a resolution together, you’ll be referred to a manager who’ll aim to investigate and resolve your complaint within two weeks. If this isn’t possible, we’ll advise you of progress within ten business days.
Step 3: If after working with a manager, we haven’t been able to make it right, we’ll escalate your case to a Complaints Resolution Officer to review.
Step 4: If we’re unable to resolve your complaint, we’ll advise you in writing. You can refer your case to the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO) Scheme.
The IFSO is an independent authority that will carry out an impartial investigation.
The IFSO scheme has been approved by the Minister of Commerce & Consumer Affairs to provide an external dispute resolution to consumers with complaints about financial service providers. It offers a free and independent complaints service.
The IFSO can be contacted in the following ways:
We don’t provide a discount on your premiums, but there are benefits to installing an NZI approved engine immobiliser. The risk of your car being stolen or damaged during an attempted theft will be greatly reduced and if you do have to make a claim for theft or attempted theft damage and your immobiliser was activated at the time, you won't have to pay an excess and you won't lose your no claim discount.
We work with a no claims discount system. If there is a claim we may alter the level of this discount at your renewal.
It is a document that along with your application for insurance and the policy schedule, forms part of the insurance contract between you and us. The policy wording is common for all customers and describes what property is covered, the events your property is or isn’t insured against as well as the amounts that you can claim. It also describes the obligations you must meet in order for the policy to remain valid.
You will receive a policy schedule when you buy a policy and when a change is made to your policy. The policy schedule contains information specific to you such as details of the property you insured, the dates you are insured from and to, the amount it is insured for, any excesses that apply and any special conditions that apply to your policy. Together with the policy wording, the policy schedule is your contract of insurance.
“Premium” is an insurance term meaning the “cost” or “price” of the insurance policy. A premium advice is a document you will receive when you first purchase insurance, before your policy is due to expire or if a change is made to your policy that results in a refund or extra premium to pay. It describes what the premium is, the date the payment is due by and the payment options available to you.
The market value of your vehicle is the reasonable cost to buy a vehicle of the same year, make, model and specifications, mileage/hours and general condition as your vehicle. Agreed value is the amount you and your Insurer agree will be paid to you if your vehicle is irreparable following an insured event. However, all of Lantern Insurance / NZI vehicle products offer market value in the event of a claim.
Give us a call on 0800 800 800 and if you are eligible we will insure you over the phone – no application forms to complete!
We will post you a confirmation which includes a cover letter, policy schedule, premium advice and policy document/s.
Please call or email us and tell us of any changes in your circumstances or any new purchases. It is important for you to advise us of any changes as soon as you are aware of them so we can provide adequate cover for your needs.
Usually your insurance is valid for one year from the time of purchase – your policy schedule shows the period you are covered for. If you are paying by monthly instalments, your insurance may expire or be cancelled if you miss a payment.
The policy wording and policy schedule together describe your cover in detail.
When you have contents insurance, choosing the right level of cover is really important, but it can be tricky to get it right. We’re here to help you understand how to calculate your sum insured to reduce the risk of you being underinsured.
Use our contents sum insured calculator to make sure you have the right amount of cover.
Our specialist Customer Care Team is here to support vulnerable customers. If you’re experiencing financial hardship, please fill in this form and one of our team will be in touch with you within five working days. We have a range of ways to help you, so you can stay insured and protected.
Request financial hardship assistance.
Any questions? Please call us on 0800 800 800.
With banks moving away from issuing and accepting cheques, companies like ours can no longer accept cheques as a form of payment, as we are unable to process them.
We can no longer accept cheques as a form of payment. If you are someone who’s paid us by cheque in the past, we realise this might affect the way you pay for your insurance. Although we are no longer issuing or accepting payments by cheque, we are here to support you transition to another payment method.
Click here to find out more about the other ways you can pay your premium.
We understand that moving away from cheques may be a big change for you. So, if you have any questions or need help getting set up, please call us on 0800 800 800.
Making a claim can be daunting, that’s why we’ve developed an experience that we hope will be helpful to you.
What is, ‘The Lantern Experience’
Call us on 0800 800 800 and speak to one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff.
Important information you need to know
Evacuating your home in an emergency is stressful, and alternative accommodation during this time can be costly.
So, from 1 October 2021, we’ll help cover the cost of alternative accommodation while it is unsafe for you and your family to be in your home, up to the limits outlined in your policy:
If, during the evacuation, you need to put your domestic pets into boarding the Alternative Accommodation benefit can be used to cover these costs. Some policies also cover the cost of putting your contents into storage.
NZI Distinction
Home and Contents
Reasonable costs for up to 12 months
Lantern Echelon
Home and Contents
A maximum of $20,000 for up to 12 months
Lantern Essence
Home and Contents
A maximum of $15,000 for up to 12 months
NZI Supersurance
A maximum of $15,000 for up to 6 months
Reasonable costs up to a maximum of 30% of your sum insured for up to 6 months.
NZI Houseowners
A maximum of $10,000 for up to 12 months
NZI Householders
Reasonable costs up to a maximum of 30% of your sum insured for up to 6 months.
This information is only intended as a guide. Policy limits and exclusions apply. Please refer to the policy wording for full terms and conditions or contact us to discuss.
Your tenant is legally required to continue paying rent under the Residential Tenancies Act unless the home is uninhabitable due to damage or is contaminated by methamphetamine.
However, from 1 October 2021, where you have a Loss of Rent benefit on your policy, this benefit will also provide cover:
Cover is available whilst the evacuation notice is in effect to a maximum of the timeframe applicable under the existing Loss of Rent benefit. The most we will pay is the amount payable under the existing Loss of Rent benefit.
If your tenant has contents insurance, they may be able to claim their additional alternative/temporary accommodation costs under their insurance while they continue paying rent.
This information is only intended as a guide. Policy limits and exclusions apply. Please refer to the policy wording for full terms and conditions.